

瓜妹 瓜妹 发表于2023-05-03 08:27:08 浏览158 评论0




你好,这不是贬义。E-Boy其实就是electronic boy或Edgy boy,说了eboy的话,egilr其实也是一样的道理,也就是Z世代的独特体系,也就是对当下 TikTok 里一部分 Z 世代的统称,现在的E-Boy已经自成一派,网络上的追随型顷姿者们的数量之庞大,他们已然成为了这二十年来诞生的第一个全新亚文化。

e-boy/e-girl 文化是一种乎镇跨文化混合体,彩色发色,纹身,鼻钉/唇钉,喜欢链子,即使在家看起来也像像舞池小霸王,并且拥有滑板、嘻哈、动漫和哥特的一部分基因卜绝,还有就是他们对染发的喜爱。

求Wonderful Girl—Wes Quve的中文歌词,是翻译不是斜音,跪求哇!!!

wes quave - wonderful girl

By Lana Lin

with you I'链告m in somewhere

with you I go anywhere

a trip to morning b

from monday to sunday

I steal all your time the way

I sum club the maybe I

whatever you want from me

that is what you got from me

now when it t anymore

a moonly I call away

baby just call my name

memories is there by your door

cuz you are such a wonderful girl

and I see your beautiful world

a really incredible ]I'm no one the mansion guy

who is just out of typical types

he be increminal world

from my wonder-wonderful girl

you know you are my weakness

some weaknesses yes

you know you're my creden eye

( u are )

you somehow watch thru me

you'模闭re watching right over me

a personal sudden lie

I love what I see in you

love when you be in you

girl it's just me and you now

]a moonly I saway

[baby just saw my name

will be with you so lou


cuz you're such a wonderful girl

and I see your beautiful world

]a really incredible thing

i'm no one the mansion guy

who is just out of typical types

]he be increminal world

from my wonder-wonderful girl

]and I gotta take a thing

it's secret the twees

and until the day I die(yeah I die)

you will never ever cry(never cry)

cuz I never ever lie

oh no oh no

cuz you're such a wonderful girl

and I see your beautiful world

a really incredible thing

and this such a natural thing

]I'旦唤裂m no one the mansion guy

who is just out of typical types

he be increminal world

from my wonder-wonderful girl

cuz you're such a wonderful girl

]and I see your beautiful world

a really incredible thing

and this such a natural thing

]I'm no one the mansion guy

who is just out of typical types

he be increminal world

from my wonder-wonderful girl

oh girl

my girl my girl em...


歌词:I'm babee girl,in the babee words ...歌名是??

aqua---Barbie Girl



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